Local Peacebuilding
Continuing Dialogue through Documentaries in Georgia
The lens of a documentary filmmaker has the potential to capture personal stories first-hand—something that frequently falls outside of the spotlight of mainstream media. Stories of ordinary persons, their fears, […]
Short Stories: Community Murals in the U.S.
When it comes to peace, walls are rarely the solution. Walls separate people and prevent dialogue. They build suspicion and unease. The examples are everywhere including Northern Ireland, the West […]
The Catalyst for Change
“Tell me the facts and I’ll learn. Tell me the truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.” - Native American […]
Short Stories: Darfur’s Hakamat
In Darfur, in the Western region of Sudan, an influential group of women, known as the Hakamat, are beginning to change their tune. The Hakamat hold a special place in […]
The Power of Storytelling through Film: From Liberia to the World
Let me tell you a story. It begins in Liberia in 2003, when a civil war between rebel groups and President Charles Taylor’s government served as a constant source of […]
The Curious Case of the Cricket: Storytelling and Conflict Transformation in Ghana
Jasmine R. Linabary is a doctoral candidate in the Brian Lamb School of Communication at Purdue University and a research assistant with the Purdue Peace Project. Arunima Krishna is a […]
Stories That Inspire: Asian Peace Activists Share their Hopes, Reflections, and Insights on Peacebuilding
“Stories impacted me a lot. They nurtured my imagination, my dreams, and my vision. So, I believe listening to stories and telling stories is a great tool for peacebuilding,” declared […]
How Syrians Stay Hopeful in the Face of Civil War
Published in Global Post International media coverage of the war in Syria is full of shocking facts, and reminders of the horrific acts committed by the Islamic State and the Syrian […]
The Answer to Ebola: a Funder Makes the Case for Community-Driven Action
The answers are there. This is a critical lesson of the post-war experience in Sierra Leone—that communities already have within them the resources they need to heal from the wounds […]
Putting Local Peacebuilders First
Think global, act local is a bumper sticker the peacebuilding field would do well to take to heart. By supporting locally-led approaches to peacebuilding in specific conflict situations and as […]