State Legitimacy
Criminalized Power Structures
Two recent volumes by Michael Dziedzic are a welcome addition to our series of books on Peace and Security in the Twenty-First Century, because what he and his colleagues call criminalized power structures are little studied but invariably a key obstacle to the success of any peace process undertaken during or after a civil war or other period of intense political violence.
Non-state Actors and Competing Sources of Legitimacy in Conflict-Affected Settings
In conflict-affected and fragile settings, national governments often lack strong legitimacy and authority across their territories and are often challenged with capacity and infrastructure constraints to deliver the basic services […]
UPDATE: “Conflicts of the Future” Live Sept. 17!
The Building Peace team is excited to announce the upcoming release of our fourth installment of Building Peace: A Forum for Peace and Security in the 21st Century. The September 2014 […]