Conflict Affected & Fragile States
Continuing Dialogue through Documentaries in Georgia
The lens of a documentary filmmaker has the potential to capture personal stories first-hand—something that frequently falls outside of the spotlight of mainstream media. Stories of ordinary persons, their fears, […]
Alternative Narratives and Countering Violent Extremism
Alex was lonely and confused. As a 23-year-old college dropout in a Midwestern town, Alex’s friends had long since moved on without her. So when the news broke of journalist […]
Film, Truth, and the Pursuit of Peace
Film has power as a pathway to peace. In a certain kind of filmmaking, the ends and the means are inseparable; the way that a film is made is reflected […]
Show and Tell: The Narratives Driving ISIS Youth Recruitment
In October 2015, the Islamic State (subsequently referred to in this article as Daesh*) published a very different kind of propaganda statement. Released online through its media wing, the statement […]
What Should We Do About Everyday Violence? A Problem Looking for a Solution
(Photo Credit: Jacqueline Wilson, United States Institute of Peace) A review of The Locust Effect: Why the End of Poverty Requires the End of Violence (Gary A. Haugen & Victor Boutros, 2014) by Andrew […]
Letter from the Editor-in-Chief
Dear Reader, As we finalize this issue of Building Peace, it feels as though the world is in greater need than ever of approaches to heal stark political divides, remedy […]
Crime in the Global Economy: Profit, Survival, and Rule
Last year, authorities seized 1,300 kilograms of cocaine in Paris from an Air France fl originating from Caracas. In 2009, drug smugglers unloaded 10,000 kilograms of cocaine in Gao, Mali […]
Crime and Conflict: The New Challenge for Peacebuilding
Organized crime, long considered a law and order problem, is now becoming part of development policy and other agendas. This shift reflects growing recognition that armed violence and associated fragility […]
Noosphere and Noopolitik: Our Transcendental Destination
In 1922, not long after the end of the “war to end all wars” and at the beginning of what has since proved one of the bloodiest centuries in recorded […]
Out of the Mountains: The Coming of Age of the Urban Guerrilla
The title of David Kilcullen’s latest volume, Out of the Mountains: The Coming Age of the Urban Guerrilla, takes a leaf from Osama bin Laden’s book. According to a CNN […]